Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2006

Sept. 1, 2006

The Screening Room #8: IronPython. Screamingly cool demo, with commentary from Jim Hugunin and Jon Udell.

# 12:51 am / jon-udell, ironpython, python

The Screening Room #8: IronPython. Screamingly cool demo, with commentary from Jim Hugunin and Jon Udell.

# 12:51 am / jon-udell, ironpython, python

UTF-8 Sampler. Good source for cheap UTF-8 testing via copy and paste.

# 1 am

Sept. 6, 2006

Jim Hugunin: IronPython 1.0 released today! The Python ecosystem gets stronger by the day.

# 12:50 pm

Sept. 11, 2006

Paul’s writeup of d.construct 2006. Includes a link to our slides.

# 11:34 am

Advogato is going offline. A real shame—this has long been a favourite lurking ground.

# 12:12 pm

The Great British Cheese Festival. Now on Upcoming—a weekend of cheese!

# 12:20 pm / cheese

Neil Fraser: Software: MobWrite. Very impressive web-based collaborative text editor.

# 1:01 pm / neil-fraser

Omakase—contextual ads from Amazon. Presumably combines info about the page with info from your Amazon cookie.

# 3:57 pm

Differential Synchronization. How that browser-based collaborative editor actually works.

# 6 pm

Godfather of Hackney. Mafia don arrested in London.

# 10:37 pm

Sept. 12, 2006

Subversion 1.4 release notes. Includes diff optimizations and a new repository mirroring tool.

# 1:36 pm / subversion

Ruby and Strongtalk. Dynamic language function calls don’t have to be slow.

# 9:32 pm

Bletchley hums again to the Turing Bombe. They’ve rebuilt Alan Turing’s computer. Awesome.

# 10:29 pm

Sept. 13, 2006

nginx: reverse proxy panacea. Another event loop based web server to keep an eye on.

# 11:39 pm

Sept. 14, 2006

Design patterns of 1972 (via) Patterns are signs of weakness in programming languages.

# 5:57 am

Google Code projects labeled django. Wow, there’s 39 of them already!

# 6:08 am

Sept. 15, 2006

The Web is a Pipe. I just saw Duncan talk about this at Euro RailsConf—really, really important concepts here.

# 5:06 pm

Sept. 22, 2006

What I’m excited about, post-conference edition

Wow, I’ve had a really busy month. I’ve attended (and spoken at) BarCamp London, Media in Transition, d.Construct, RailsConf Europe, Euro Foo and EuroOSCON. All were excellent, and each one nicely complemented the others. I’m exhausted. I think my brain is full.

[... 377 words]

(UNCLASSIFIED) RSS and Atom Considerations: Moving Toward Atom (via) The US intelligence community argues for Atom.

# 1:28 am

Sept. 25, 2006

Yahoo! UI Extensions Library Release .32. Jack Slocum is doing some really awesome things on top of YUI.

# 12:04 pm

Ajax Buzzword Bingo (via) Nice demo of five different Ajax transport methods.

# 12:29 pm

Introducing MobMart. New UK mobile/auction startup, powered by Django.

# 2:40 pm

Jython changelog. Plenty of signs of life here.

# 2:51 pm / jython

Windows XP Privilege Escalation Exploit. Trivial exploit using the at command.

# 7:42 pm

Sept. 26, 2006

Flickr: Photos from Space Explorer. Space tourist with a Flickr photo stream.

# 3:25 pm

Practical PHP Programming. Free online PHP book, by the author of PHP in a Nutshell.

# 4:16 pm

PHP, XML, and Character Encodings. This caught me out earlier today.

# 5:15 pm

Adobe Open Source Libraries: Overview. Technology used for the Photoshop UI. Really interesting stuff.

# 7:01 pm

for in Intrigue. Douglas Crockford explains the need for hasOwnProperty in JavaScript.

# 7:39 pm

2006 » September
