Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 6th May 2003

Living on a knife edge

In The XHTML 100, Evan Goer describes an experiment in which he checked 119 site claiming to be with an XHTML doctype for full compliance with the W3C standards. His test consisted of three parts—a validation check on the front page, a check on another “inside” page, and a check to see if the correct Content-Type header (application/xhtml+xml) was served to supporting User Agents (in his case Mozilla 1.3).

[... 580 words]

New mozgest soon

AndyEd on the Mozilla gestures project:

[... 68 words]

Delay to the start of my CSS tutorial series

I still plan to go ahead with a CSS tutorial series, as promised. I’m delaying the start, partly to give myself time to work out a good structure for the series, but mainly because I have a shed load of coursework due in a week today that desperately needs my full attention.

2003 » May
