Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 19th January 2003

Better image rollovers

When browsing through other site’s source code, some of the ugliest HTML occurs when the site uses one of the most basic javascript effects: The image rollover. There are a myriad of these scripts available for free on the web, but as far as I can tell every single one of them requires event handling code to be added to the markup of the page.

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Alternative rollover script

And here’s Daniel Nolan’s standards compliant rollover script, which uses a different approach (based on rollover images using a standard naming convention with a suffix attached to the name of the original image) but achieves the same effect, working in Opera 7 as well. It also uses a neat way of adding events using javascript function prototypes.


Pythonology (via Deadly Bloody Serious about Python) is a Python advocacy site aimed at software engineers and managers. The site has a fantastic collection of case studies, Python Success Stories, which an interesting piece describing why and how Rackspace migrated their main enterprise data system from PHP to Python.

Recursive how?

I just can’t figure out how Recursive was made.

A global conversation

Dave Winer on TrackBacks and push backs (and presumably PingBack as well):

[... 317 words]

2003 » January
