Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for xpath

4 posts tagged “xpath”


"Why doesn't jQuery have an XPath CSS Selector implementation?" For now, my answer is: I don't want two selector implementations - it makes the code base significantly harder to maintain, increases the number of possible cross-browser bugs, and drastically increases the filesize of the resulting download.

John Resig

# 11th February 2008, 5:31 am / jquery, xpath, css, performance, john-resig


lxml.cssselect (via) lxml includes an implementation of CSS 3 selectors, which compiles them to XPath expressions. Should be a useful tool for parsing Microformats from Python.

# 24th September 2007, 11:57 pm / python, lxml, libxml2, css, selectors, xpath, css3, microformats


Mozilla XPath Documentation. This is extremely useful for writing Greasemonkey user scripts.

# 14th April 2005, 12:57 pm / mozilla, xpath, greasemonkey


Using XPath to mine XHTML

This morning, I finally decided to install libxml2 and see what all the fuss was about, in particular with respect to XPath. What followed is best described as an enlightening experience.

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