Simon Willison’s Weblog

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4 posts tagged “wordpresscom”


so-you-wanna-see-an-image (via) use Amazon S3 to store images (presumably to save having to create a massive scalable redundant filesystem themselves) but the images are served via a load balanced memcached / varnishd caching system that they control.

# 1st May 2008, 10:13 am / wordpresscom, caching, amazon-s3, s3, memcached, varnishd

Load Balancer Update. has switched from Pound to nginx for load balancing, resulting in a significant drop in CPU usage. I’ve been using nginx on my little VPS for over a year now with no complaints, nice to know it scales up as well as down.

# 1st May 2008, 10:06 am / nginx, load-balancing, pound, wordpress, wordpresscom


OpenID on My first project launch as a freelancer. You can now use your blog as an OpenID.

# 6th March 2007, 8:41 pm / openid, wordpress, wordpresscom, freelance

Math for the Masses. now supports inline LaTeX. A great example of a feature that will turn a small subset of a user base in to life-long fans.

# 2nd March 2007, 2:44 pm / wordpresscom, latex