Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for wildlife

5 posts tagged “wildlife”


Teresa T is name of the whale in Pillar Point Harbor near Half Moon Bay

Visit Teresa T is name of the whale in Pillar Point Harbor near Half Moon Bay

There is a young humpback whale in the harbor at Pillar Point, just north of Half Moon Bay, California right now. Their name is Teresa T and they were first spotted on Thursday afternoon.

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Happy Birthday Sea Lions! (via) Today, June 15th, is Sea Lion birthday—half of all California Sea Lions are born today thanks to clever co-ordinated delayed implantation by Sea Lion females. Natalie has started making nature videos and I’ve been tagging along as her camera-person—this three minute video, shot at Pier 39 in San Francisco, celebrates Sea Lion birthday and explains how it works.

# 15th June 2020, 7:08 pm / youtube, wildlife, natalie-downe


Owls, Otters, Monkeys and Lions Near It’s not just Owls—we also registered, and We’ll probably stop there though, or this could turn in to a very expensive marketing gimmick.

# 19th January 2010, 2:54 pm / owls, otters, monkeys, lions, wildlife, wildlifenearyou, projects Nat and I built this over the weekend. It asks for your location, then tells you where your nearest Owl is (using sightings data people have entered on If you’re using Firefox 3.6 or an iPhone it grabs your location using the W3C geolocation API so you don’t have to type anything at all.

# 19th January 2010, 2:45 pm / owlsnearyou, wildlifenearyou, projects, owls, wildlife, geolocation, iphone