Simon Willison’s Weblog

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5 posts tagged “vox”


Vox is closing on September 30, 2010. One month seems like very short notice for closing a service of this size, especially since it functions as an OpenID provider so in addition to migrating their content away users may need to sign in to other services and set up an alternative form of authentication. UPDATE: From the comments, Vox accounts that migrate to TypePad will also have their OpenID migrated, and TypePad will continue to serve OpenID requests for old addresses. Smart solution.

# 3rd September 2010, 8:50 am / closing, openid, sixapart, vox, recovered


SlideShare: Webapps scalability. Lots of great presentations on scaling, from Twitter, Digg, Vox, LiveJournal, and more.

# 4th July 2007, 12:53 am / slideshare, vox, twitter, digg, livejournal, sixapart, lastfm, scaling

The top 10 presentations on scaling websites: twitter, Flickr, Bloglines, Vox and more. I normally avoid linking to “top 10” lists on principle, but this one pulls together some great resources and adds extra context to each one.

# 1st May 2007, 1:51 pm / peter-van-dijck, flickr, bloglines, scaling, twitter, vox

Data::ObjectDriver. Benjamin Trott’s Perl ORM, with built in support for both caching and data partitioning. I think this is what Six Apart uses for Vox.

# 25th February 2007, 12:43 am / ben-trott, sixapart, vox, orm, perl, scaling


How to turn your blog in to an OpenID

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use the same account to log in to multiple sites and applications, without having to trust them all with your password? Wouldn’t it be even better if you could do this without having to hand ownership of your online identity over to some monolithic third party? (I’m looking at you, .NET Passport Microsoft Passport Windows Live ID.)

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