Simon Willison’s Weblog


5 items tagged “tim-berners-lee”


The original WWW proposal is a Word for Macintosh 4.0 file from 1990, can we open it? (via) In which John Graham-Cumming attempts to open the original WWW proposal by Tim Berners-Lee, a 68,608 bytes Microsoft Word for Macintosh 4.0 file.

Microsoft Word and Apple Pages fail. OpenOffice gets the text but not the formatting. LibreOffice gets the diagrams too, but the best results come from the Infinite Mac WebAssembly emulator.

# 13th February 2024, 4:06 pm / history, john-graham-cumming, mac, tim-berners-lee, webassembly


A rating system for open data proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web. To score the maximum five stars, data must (1) be available on the Web under an open licence, (2) be in the form of structured data, (3) be in a non-proprietary file format, (4) use URIs as its identifiers (see also RDF), (5) include links to other data sources (see linked data). To score 3 stars, it must satisfy all of (1)-(3), etc.

Five stars of open data

# 17th April 2018, 4:20 am / opendata, tim-berners-lee


Crossdressing, Compression, and Colliders: ’The First Photo on the Web’. TIL the first photo shared on the web was of Les Horribles Cernettes, an all-female comedy musical group at CERN who performed songs about particle physics. And Sir Tim Berners-Lee first met them when he played the dame in the CERN panto.

# 22nd October 2017, 2:05 am / cern, tim-berners-lee


Giant Global Graph. Tim Berners-Lee points out that the Semantic Web is designed to solve problems such as portable social networks.

# 22nd November 2007, 12:30 am / openid, portablesocialnetworks, semanticweb, socialgraph, tim-berners-lee


Tim Berners-Lee: Reinventing HTML. “It is necessary to evolve HTML incrementally.” W3C to work on HTML again.

# 28th October 2006, 12:27 am / html, html5, tim-berners-lee, w3c, web-standards