Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for syndication

8 posts tagged “syndication”

2024 A page for every blog. I hadn’t checked in on Phil Gyford’s blog directory since it first launched in November 2022. I’m delighted to see that it’s thriving—2,117 blogs have now been carefully curated, and the latest feature is a page for each blog showing its categories, description, an activity graph and the most recent posts syndicated via RSS/Atom.

# 9th January 2024, 10:15 pm / atom, blogs, syndication, phil-gyford, rss


datasette-atom: Define an Atom feed using a custom SQL query

I’ve been having a ton of fun iterating on I put together some notes on how the site works last week, and I’ve been taking advantage of the Thanksgiving break to continue exploring ways in which Datasette can be used to quickly build database-backed static websites.

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Simple Update Protocol: Update. Already implemented by more than five services, each of which now have near-real-time updates in to the FriendFeed syndication engine.

# 18th December 2008, 11:33 pm / friendfeed, syndication, sup, realtime

Inside Upgrading our RSS feeds. The Guardian now offers full-content RSS feeds of pretty much everything for which we have the necessary rights (no ads yet, but they’ll be added soon). Adding “/rss” to the URL in various places on the site will get you feeds for sections, subjects, contributors and more.

# 24th October 2008, 11:08 am / rss, guardian, fullcontent, syndication

RSS Duplicate Detection. “Detecting duplicate items in an RSS feed is something of a black art”. I hadn’t realised quite how involved such a basic function of an aggregator could be.

# 22nd January 2008, 8:11 pm / rss, syndication, atom, duplicates, aggregator, blackart, james-holderness


Google AJAX Feed API (via) Simple cross-domain proxy to allow JavaScript to access any publically addressable syndication feed, with the same logic as Google Reader providing normalisation.

# 18th April 2007, 5:29 pm / google-reader, ajax, javascript, crossdomain, google, rss, feed, atom, syndication

Pipes. New Yahoo! service for combining and remixing Atom/RSS feeds using a really sophisticated drag-and-drop UI.

# 8th February 2007, 7:52 am / draganddrop, pipes, atom, rss, syndication

Subtlety (via) Instantly create an RSS feed from a public subversion repository.

# 22nd January 2007, 8:20 am / subversion, rss, syndication