Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for sms

4 posts tagged “sms”


A SIM Switch Account Takeover (Mine). Someone walked into a T-Mobile store with a fake ID in his name and stole Albert Wenger’s SIM identity, then used it to gain access to his Yahoo mail account, reset his Twitter password and post a tweet boosting a specific cryptocurrency. His accounts with Google Authenticator 2FA stayed safe.

# 14th January 2018, 8:37 pm / identitytheft, security, sms


How log in my e-mail and send sms via php?

If you want to send SMS via PHP I suggest taking a look at—they are pretty inexpensive and ridiculously easy to get started with.

[... 44 words]


Kapow SMS Gateway. Looks like a solid provider for sending and receiving SMS messages, with APIs provided over both e-mail and HTTP in both directions.

# 8th December 2008, 5:05 pm / sms, mobile, kapow

Craigslist is fighting back. Its latest gimmick is phone verification. Posting in some categories now requires a callback phone call, with a password sent to the user either by voice or as an SMS message. [...] Spammers tried using their own free ringtone sites to get many users to accept the Craigslist verification call, then type in the password from the voice message. Craigslist hasn't countered that trick yet.

John Nagle

# 26th May 2008, 8:40 am / spam, phonecall, sms, callback, craigslist