Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for semver

2 posts tagged “semver”


The thing about semver major version numbers are that they don't mean new stuff, they're a permanent reminder of how many times you got the API wrong. Semver doesn't mean MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, it means FAILS.FEATURES.BUGS

Will McGugan

# 6th August 2021, 4:17 pm / versioning, semver, will-mcgugan


sqlite-utils 1.0. I just released sqlite-utils 1.0, with a couple of handy new features over 0.14: it can now automatically add columns to a database table if you attempt to insert data which doesn’t quite fit (using alter=True in the Python API or the --alter option to the “sqlite-utils insert” command). It also has the ability to output nested JSON column values on the command-line using the new --json-cols option. This is the first project I’ve marked as a 1.0 release in a very long time—I’ll be sticking to semver for this project from now on, bumping the major version only in the case of a backwards incompatible change.

# 25th May 2019, 1:20 am / projects, versioning, sqlite, sqlite-utils, semver