Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for screencasts

4 posts tagged “screencasts”


django-debug-toolbar. The new panel styling for the Django debug toolbar is really slick—here’s a neatly produced screencast demonstrating it (with Gypsy Jazz accompaniment).

# 21st September 2009, 6:36 pm / django, debugging, django-debug-toolbar, screencasts, gypsyjazz

Welcome to Django Dose. Launched at DjangoCon, a new Django community site designed to be a successor to TWiD, still with (shorter) podcasts but also featuring more news, articles and screencasts.

# 21st September 2009, 6:21 pm / djangocon, djangodose, django, community, twid, podcasts, screencasts


MacHeist Bundle. Everything’s now unlocked, meaning you can pick up TaskPaper, CSSEdit, Snapz Pro X (excellent for screencasts) and Pixelmator for $49.

# 16th January 2008, 9:44 pm / taskpaper, osx, cssedit, snayzprox, screencasts, pixelmator, software, mac, macheist


Ubuntu Screencasts. Fantastic resource—exactly what Ubuntu (and desktop Linux in general) needs.

# 15th January 2007, 1:41 am / ubuntu, screencasts, linux