6 posts tagged “scala”
How do I choose between asynchronous web frameworks? My tech group is fairly language agnostic and we’re trying to standardize on some technologies.
Since they are all pretty close to each other and it sounds like your tech group’s skills would support any of them, I would suggest having your tram build a simple prototype in all three so you can compare them for your own particular team and situation.
[... 76 words]2012
Can Scala gain wider usage than Java any time soon?
No, because Scala is harder to master than Java.
[... 54 words]Where can I find great Java/Scala developers in London?
There are quite a few Scala events in London—here are the ones we know about at the moment: http://lanyrd.com/topics/scala/i...
[... 83 words]2010
What’s powering the Content API? The new Guardian Content API runs on Solr, scaled using EC2 and Solr replication and with a Scala web service layer sitting between Solr and the API’s end users.
Using Scala with Google App Engine. Scala works, but I haven’t seen confirmation on actors yet (which are likely to break due to their dependency on threads).
Kestrel. Twitter’s Robey Pointer rewrote their Starling message queue in 1500 lines of Scala, adding reliable fetch (where consumers can confirm their receipt of an item) and blocking fetches, which reduce the need for consumers to poll for updates (and hence solve my only beef with the original Starling). I haven’t tried running this on a low spec VPS yet but it looks very promising.