Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for red-hat

4 posts tagged “red-hat”


Apache Qpid. A new open source AMQP message queue with implementations in C++ and Java, developed by engineers from Red Hat, IONA and JP Morgan Chase. Anyone tried this yet? Looks pretty good on paper.

# 5th February 2009, 11:01 pm / apache, qpid, java, c-plus-plus, amqp, message-queues, red-hat, iona, jpmorganchase, open-source




Installing psycopg on Red Hat 9

Adrian Holovaty and I spent some time today figuring out how to get the psycopg Postgres module to install on Red Hat 9. It took a while, but eventually we tweaked the spec file and used it to compile our own RPM. I’ve posted our modified spec file to the psycopg mailing list. More for my own record than anything else, the arcane incantations needed to create the RPM went roughly as follows:

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