Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for phil-ringnalda

4 posts tagged “phil-ringnalda”


My "why move away from SGML?" reason is the way that every time I have to explain to someone that their Mozilla bug in invalid because HTML is actually an SGML application [...] I finish up by saying "if you want to see the actual spec that I've been told says that, you can buy a copy for 230 Swiss francs."

Phil Ringnalda

# 14th April 2007, 10:21 am / sgml, html, html5, phil-ringnalda, mozilla


amazon2melvyl. Greasemonkey script that embeds icons in data: URIs—kudos to Phil Ringnalda for that idea.

# 2nd April 2005, 8:43 am / greasemonkey, phil-ringnalda


Funky caching explained

I didn’t take much notice of “funky caching” while reading through Rasmus Lerdorf’s PHP tips and tricks presentation—I saw that it was talking about using custom 404 pages to serve up dynamic content depending on the URL and wrote it off as a hack that, while useful, was fundamentally flawed in that it would add an error log entry whenever a page was served.

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Pingback coverage

The Pingback 1.0 specification is getting some serious attention. Mark Pilgrim and Dave Winer have linked to it. Ben Trott (co-author of Moveable Type and creator of TrackBack, the system that inspired Pingback) has objected to Hixie’s suggestion that Pingback is more transparent than TrackBack, claiming that TrackBack could be made just as transparent by the right blog tools. Ben blogged some further thoughts which lead to the following comment by Phil Ringnalda:

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