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3 posts tagged “pagni”


Probably Are Gonna Need It: Application Security Edition (via) Jacob Kaplan-Moss shares his PAGNIs for application security: “basic security mitigations that are easy to do at the beginning, but get progressively harder the longer you put them off”. Plenty to think about in here—I particularly like Jacob’s recommendation to build a production-to-staging database mirroring solution that works from an allow-list of columns, to avoid the risk of accidentally exposing new private data as the product continues to evolve.

# 8th July 2021, 6:31 pm / jacob-kaplan-moss, security, pagni

PAGNIs: Probably Are Gonna Need Its

Luke Page has a great post up with his list of YAGNI exceptions.

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YAGNI exceptions (via) Luke Plant provides his collection of things that you probably ARE going to need in a project, where adding them later is painful enough that it’s worth the up-front investment. I really like these as a concept, and I’m coining the term PAGNI—for Probably Are Gonna Need It—to describe them.

# 1st July 2021, 6:30 pm / pagni, software-engineering, yagni, luke-plant