Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for mark-shuttleworth

4 posts tagged “mark-shuttleworth”


Introducing the Karmic Koala, our mascot for Ubuntu 9.10 (via) Ubuntu 9.10 will have a strong focus on cloud computing, including tools for easily creating EC2 AMIs and Eucalyptus, an open-source system for running an EC2-compatible cloud in your own data centre.

# 21st February 2009, 5:19 pm / ubuntu, ec2, cloud-computing, eucalyptus, mark-shuttleworth, linux, karmickoala


Good architectural layering, and Bzr 1.1. Mark Shuttleworth on the growing importance of plug-in architectures as an open source project evolves, as they allow new developers to release their own components without needing commit access to the project. Django is pretty good for this, but more hooks (and a faster event dispatch system) would be useful.

# 9th January 2008, 2:06 pm / hooks, bazaar, bzr, dispatch, django, events, mark-shuttleworth, open-source, programming, python


Emerging consensus in favour of a unified document format standard? A call to arms from Mark Shuttleworth—help convince ISO to adopt ODF as a single unified document format standard.

# 14th August 2007, 12:14 pm / odf, ooxml, mark-shuttleworth, iso, standards

There are some ideas that are broken, but attractive enough to some people that they are doomed to be tried again and again. DRM is one of them.

Mark Shuttleworth

# 8th April 2007, 6:08 pm / mark-shuttleworth, drm