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8 posts tagged “ie7”


IE 6 and 7 hit by hack attack code. IE6 and 7 have what looks like a buffer overflow vulnerability caused by a strange intersection of CSS, innerHTML and large JavaScript arrays. No exploits in the wild yet but it’s only a matter of time.

# 22nd November 2009, 3:38 pm / ie6, ie7, microsoft, security


Full Page Zoom Is For Sissies. Ryan points out that sizing everything in ems, while neat, imposes a pretty hefty maintenance cost and is rapidly becoming unnecessary thanks to the page zoom feature in IE 7, Opera and Firefox 3.0.

# 19th January 2008, 7:36 am / firefox3, fullpagezoom, ems, css, ryan-tomayko, ie7, opera

IE7.js version 2.0 (beta). Dean Edwards has updated IE7, shifting enhancements that weren’t fixed by the real IE7 in to a new script called IE8. You can also now hotlink the library directly from Google’s servers, though I don’t know how intended Google Code’s subversion repository is for that purpose.

# 6th January 2008, 11:15 pm / google-code, goode, ie7, ie8, javascript, dean-edwards


Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image (via) Microsoft have made free VPC images of IE 6 and IE 7 available for testing, but they expire in August.

# 20th April 2007, 4:47 pm / microsoft, ie, ie7, testing, virtualization

IE 7 does not resize text sized in pixels. I said it does the other day; I was wrong. Text sizing is still broken, but it does have a full page zoom feature (like Opera’s but not as smooth).

# 4th April 2007, 10:40 pm / opera, ie7, pixels

The problem with pixels. IE7 lets users resize pixel-based fonts. Is it finally time to stop avoiding pixel sizing in CSS?

# 2nd April 2007, 2:11 pm / wilson-miner, css, ie7


Internet Explorer 7. It’s been announced, but the stated focus is security and anti-phishing. No news on improved CSS.

# 15th February 2005, 7:04 pm / ie, ie7, css, security, phishing