Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for electronicvoting

3 items tagged “electronicvoting”


ORG verdict on London Elections: “Insufficient evidence” to declare confidence in results. Electronic voting strikes again. Also of interest: the audit conducted by KPMG can’t be published due to “commercial confidentiality”.

# 2nd July 2008, 10:36 am / kpmg, audit, elections, london, org, openrightsgroup, electronicvoting


Pvote (via) Electronic voting machine software in 460 lines of highly readable Python (using Pygame), implemented by Ka-Ping Yee for his doctoral dissertation. Demonstrates prerendering, where as much of the UI as possible is defined in a separate ballot definition file.

# 22nd December 2007, 1:04 pm / electronicvoting, evoting, ka-ping-yee, python, pygame, pvote