Simon Willison’s Weblog


2 items tagged “pygame”


Pyodide 0.26 Release (via) PyOdide provides Python packaged for browser WebAssembly alongside an ecosystem of additional tools and libraries to help Python and JavaScript work together.

The latest release bumps the Python version up to 3.12, and also adds support for pygame-ce, allowing games written using pygame to run directly in the browser.

The PyOdide community also just landed a 14-month-long PR adding support to cibuildwheel, which should make it easier to ship binary wheels targeting PyOdide.

# 28th May 2024, 7:04 pm / javascript, pygame, python, webassembly, pyodide


Pvote (via) Electronic voting machine software in 460 lines of highly readable Python (using Pygame), implemented by Ka-Ping Yee for his doctoral dissertation. Demonstrates prerendering, where as much of the UI as possible is defined in a separate ballot definition file.

# 22nd December 2007, 1:04 pm / electronicvoting, evoting, ka-ping-yee, pvote, pygame, python