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Atom feed for dreamhost

5 posts tagged “dreamhost”


Security Breach. A statement from Dreamhost.

# 8th June 2007, 8:16 am / security, dreamhost, hosting

Massive Dreamhost hack, WordPress not to blame

On mezzoblue, Dave Shea reports that someone had modified every index.php and index.html file on his site to include spam links at the bottom of the page, hidden inside a <u style="display: none;">. Dozens of other people in his comments reported the same thing happening to their sites.

[... 279 words]

Unsettling. Sounds like there might be a massive scripted hack going on against out of date WordPress installs on Dreamhost. Check your site. See also discussion in the comments attached to this post.

# 5th June 2007, 9:16 pm / dave-shea, dreamhost, hosting, php, security, spam, wordpress


Django on Dreamhost: incomplete headers. Fix this problem on Dreamhost by renaming django.fcgi to dispatch.fcgi (they special-case for Rails users; Django users can tag along).

# 17th December 2006, 9:36 am / django, rails, dreamhost, fastcgi

Django on Dreamhost: incomplete headers. Calling your file dispatch.fcgi (as opposed to django.fcgi) fixes the problem.

# 3rd December 2006, 7:04 pm / django, dreamhost