Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for dewitt-clinton

4 posts tagged “dewitt-clinton”


html-whitelist (via) DeWitt Clinton’s web service wrapper aroud the html5lib HTML sanitiser, hosted on AppEngine.

# 24th September 2008, 11:54 pm / appengine, dewitt-clinton, sanitisation, html5, html5lib, security


DeWitt Clinton: T-Mobile and Twitter. “If you think the rest of Internet needs net neutrality laws, that’s nothing compared with the backward-facing worldview of the established mobile carriers.”

# 15th December 2007, 12:26 pm / net-neutrality, mobilecarriers, mobile, twitter, dewitt-clinton

Add OpenSearch to your site in five minutes. OpenSearch is easy. DeWitt demonstrates how you don’t even need a site search engine to implement it if you take advantage of Google’s site: operator.

# 9th February 2007, 12:52 am / google, opensearch, dewitt-clinton