Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for development

4 posts tagged “development”


A successful Git branching model (via) This looks eminently sensible. The master branch is used for production-ready code, and is only updated by merging from either release branches or emergency hotfix branches. A develop branch is used for integration (from feature branches), and is branched to create release branches when a release is nearly ready. It’s all comprehensively documented and comes with some well-designed diagrams.

# 20th January 2010, 7:30 pm / git, branching, development, process


Bits of Evidence (via) A slide deck from Greg Wilson: “What we actually know about software development, and why we believe it’s true”.

# 25th October 2009, 12:13 pm / evidence, software-engineering, development, greg-wilson


Getting from point A to B (the right way)

If your laptop is relatively recent it might have hardware support for virtualization (Intel Core Duo chips do, for example). If so, it’s worth looking in to using VMWare or Parallels to run a virtual linux server locally on your machine. You’ll need a fair amount of RAM for this as well—2 GB minimum probably.

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