Simon Willison’s Weblog

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3 posts tagged “codereview”


In general, reviewers should favor approving a CL [code review] once it is in a state where it definitely improves the overall code health of the system being worked on, even if the CL isn’t perfect.

Google Standard of Code Review

# 28th November 2019, 5:40 am / google, codereview


Design and code review requested for Django string signing / signed cookies. Do you know your way around web app security and cryptography (in particular signing things using hmac and sha1)? We’d appreciate your help reviewing the usage of these concepts in Django’s proposed string signing and signed cookie implementations.

# 4th January 2010, 1:24 pm / django, python, security, hashing, sha1, hmac, cryptography, codereview


Review Board. VMWare release a slick looking Django-powered code review system, with hooks in to Subversion and Perforce.

# 31st May 2007, 8:32 am / subversion, perforce, django, vmware, codereview