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4 posts tagged “blocks”


Ruby-style Blocks in Python. Yes, yes, yes, yes. A proposal for muli-line lambda support in Python that doesn’t trip up on significant whitespace. If this gets in before the proposed feature freeze I’ll be a very happy Pythonista. UPDATE: This is a post from over a year ago, and it looks like the proposal has since stalled.

# 23rd April 2010, 11:19 am / python, blocks, ruby


10 Uses for Blocks in C/Objective-C. Part of the Cocoa for Scientists series, which is by far the best free Objective-C / Cocoa tutorial I’ve seen anywhere.

# 16th November 2009, 2:27 pm / cocoa, osx, objectivec, blocks, closures, science

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review. The essential review: 23 pages of information-dense but readable goodness. Pretty much everything I know about Mac OS X internals I learnt from reading John Siracusa’s reviews—this one is particularly juice when it gets to Grand Central Dispatch and blocks (aka closures) in C and Objective-C.

# 1st September 2009, 7:05 pm / objectivec, c, closures, blocks, osx, apple, john-siracusa, grandcentraldispatch, snowleopard


Blocks in Objective-C. Closures are coming soon to Objective-C - interesting syntax, a regular curly brace block preceded by a caret ^{ ... }.

# 29th December 2008, 7:38 pm / objectivec, closures, programming, blocks, syntax