3 posts tagged “ben-ward”
Want to know if your ‘HTML application’ is part of the web? Link me into it. Not just link me to it; link me into it. Not just to the black-box frontpage. Link me to a piece of content. Show me that it can be crawled, show me that we can draw strands of silk between the resources presented in your app. That is the web: The beautiful interconnection of navigable content
— Ben Ward
Exposure (iPhone app) behaves suspiciously. Exposure on the iPhone does OAuth-style authentication incorrectly—it asks the user to authenticate in an embedded, chromeless browser which provides no way of confirming that the site being interacted with is not a phishing attack. Ben Ward explains how the Pownce iPhone app gets it right in the comments. Exposure author Fraser Spiers also responds.
Portable Social Networks, The Building Blocks Of A Social Web. Ben Ward’s tour de force of practical tools and techniques for building out the distributed social web, using XFN and hCard to represent the data. If you only read one article on portable social networks, make it this one.