Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for barcamp

6 posts tagged “barcamp”


What is the best way to setup a conference website for a barcamp?

Since BarCamps are arranged by the attendees, I personally think the wiki-style schedule editing we support at Lanyrd makes it an ideal fit. Speakers can attach their slides to their session pages afterwards.

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Automating web site deployment at Barcamp Brighton. I’m determined to start using Fabric and proper deployment scripts for my personal projects.

# 6th September 2009, 2:16 pm / fabric, deployment, gareth-rushgrove, barcampbrighton, barcamp



BarCampLondon3. 24th-25th of November in Google’s London offices (by Victoria train station). The last BarCamp London was a blast—I’m really looking forward to this.

# 10th October 2007, 5:20 pm / barcamp, barcamplondon, london, google

Sumo! A Generic Microformats Parser For JavaScript. Dan Webb’s BarCamp talk on Metaprogramming JavaScript will be a must-see.

# 9th February 2007, 10:57 am / dan-webb, microformats, sumo, javascript, barcamp


What I’m excited about, post-conference edition

Wow, I’ve had a really busy month. I’ve attended (and spoken at) BarCamp London, Media in Transition, d.Construct, RailsConf Europe, Euro Foo and EuroOSCON. All were excellent, and each one nicely complemented the others. I’m exhausted. I think my brain is full.

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