Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for attribution

2 posts tagged “attribution”


Yahoo! Geo: Announcing GeoPlanet Data. The Yahoo! WhereOnEarth geographic data set is fantastic, but I’ve always felt slightly uncomfortable about building applications against it in case the API went away. That’s not an issue any more—the entire dataset is now available to download and use under a Creative Commons Attribution license. It’s not entirely clear what the attribution requirements are—do you have to put “data from GeoPlanet” on every page or can you get away with just tucking the attribution away in an “about this site” page? UPDATE: The data doesn’t include latitude/longitude or bounding boxes, which severely reduces its utility.

# 20th May 2009, 9:12 pm / attribution, creativecommons, data, geoplanet, geospatial, gis, whereonearth, yahoo


BBC Olinda digital radio: Social hardware. Schulze and Webb made a social radio prototype for the BBC; the IPR will be under an attribution license so manufacturers can run with it without asking for permission first.

# 20th August 2007, 9:47 pm / schulzeandwebb, matt-webb, jack-schultz, hardware, bbc, radio, digitalradio, socialradio, attribution, olinda