Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for amir-salihefendic

2 posts tagged “amir-salihefendic”


hash_ring 1.2. A Python library for consistent hashing with memcached, using MD5 and the same algorithm as libketama. Exposes an interface that is identical to regular memcache making this a drop-in replacement.

# 5th May 2009, 1:45 pm / libketama, amir-salihefendic, caching, consistenthashing, django, hashring, md5, memcached, python

Finding and fixing memory leaks in Python. Using Dozer, a clever piece of WSGI middleware which displays sparklines of Python object counts and allows you to introspect them, using the gc module under the hood.

# 22nd April 2009, 12:16 pm / amir-salihefendic, python, debugging, memory, memoryleaks, wsgi, middleware