Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged javascript in 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × javascript × Sorted by date

ast-grep (via) There are a lot of interesting things about this year-old project.

sg (an alias for ast-grep) is a CLI tool for running AST-based searches against code, built in Rust on top of the Tree-sitter parsing library. You can run commands like this:

sg -p ’await await_me_maybe($ARG)’ datasette --lang python

To search the datasette directory for code that matches the search pattern, in a syntax-aware way.

It works across 19 different languages, and can handle search-and-replace too, so it can work as a powerful syntax-aware refactoring tool.

My favourite detail is how it’s packaged. You can install the CLI utility using Homebrew, Cargo, npm or pip/pipx—each of which will give you a CLI tool you can start running. On top of that it provides API bindings for Rust, JavaScript and Python! # 10th December 2023, 7:56 pm

HTML Web Components: An Example (via) Jim Nielsen provides a clear example illustrating the idea of the recently coined "HTML Web Components" pattern. It's Web Components as progressive enhancement: in this example a <user-avatar> custom element wraps a regular image, then JavaScript defines a Web Component that enhances that image. If the JavaScript fails to load the image still displays. # 17th November 2023, 4:33 pm

Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework (via) A really clear explanation of the benefit of Web Components built using dependency-free vanilla JavaScript, specifically for interactive components that you might want to embed in something like a blog post. Includes a very neat minimal example component. # 25th October 2023, 5:19 pm

Observable notebook: Detect objects in images (via) I built an Observable notebook that uses Transformers.js and the Xenova/detra-resnet-50 model to detect objects in images, entirely running within your browser. You can select an image using a file picker and it will show you that image with bounding boxes and labels drawn around items within it. I have a demo image showing some pelicans flying ahead, but it works with any image you give it—all without uploading that image to a server. # 1st October 2023, 3:46 pm

Draggable objects (via) Amit Patel’s detailed write-up of a small but full-featured JavaScript function for creating draggable objects, with support for both mouse and touch devices “using browser features that are widely supported since 2020”. # 29th September 2023, 7:56 pm

Perplexity: interactive LLM visualization (via) I linked to a video of Linus Lee’s GPT visualization tool the other day. Today he’s released a new version of it that people can actually play with: it runs entirely in a browser, powered by a 120MB version of the GPT-2 ONNX model loaded using the brilliant Transformers.js JavaScript library. # 6th September 2023, 3:33 am

Someone asked me today if there was a case for using React in a new app that doesn’t need to support IE.

I could not come up with a single reason to prefer it over Preact or (better yet) any of the modern reactive Web Components systems (FAST, Lit, Stencil, etc.).

One of the constraints is that the team wanted to use an existing library of Web Components, but React made it hard. This is probably going to cause them to favour Preact for the bits of the team that want React-flavoured modern webdev.

It’s astonishing how antiquated React is.

Alex Russell # 15th August 2023, 9:15 pm

Deno 1.34: deno compile supports npm packages. This feels like it could be extremely useful: Deno can load code from npm these days (import { say } from "npm:cowsay@1.5.0") and now the deno compile command can resolve those imports, fetch all of the dependencies and bundle them together with Deno itself into a single executable binary. This means pretty much anything that's been built as an npm package can now be easily converted into a standalone binary, including cross-compilation to Windows x64, macOS x64, macOS ARM and Linux x64. # 25th May 2023, 5:01 pm

Instant colour fill with HTML Canvas (via) Shane O'Sullivan describes how to implement instant colour fill using HTML Canvas and some really clever tricks with Web Workers. A new technique to me is passing a canvas.getImageData() object to a Web Worker via worker.postMessage({action: "process", buffer:}, []) where that second argument is a list of objects to "transfer ownership of" - then the worker can create a new ImageData(), populate it and transfer ownership of that back to the parent window. # 24th May 2023, 1:27 am

Building a Signal Analyzer with Modern Web Tech (via) Casey Primozic’s detailed write-up of his project to build a spectrogram and oscilloscope using cutting-edge modern web technology: Web Workers, Web Audio, SharedArrayBuffer, Atomics.waitAsync, OffscreenCanvas, WebAssembly SIMD and more. His conclusion: “Web developers now have all the tools they need to build native-or-better quality apps on the web.” # 21st May 2023, 9:35 pm

@neodrag/vanilla (via) “A lightweight vanillaJS library to make your elements draggable”—I stumbled across this today while checking out a Windows 11 simulator built in Svelte. It’s a neat little library, and “download-esm @neodrag/vanilla” worked to grab me an ECMAScript module that I could import and use. # 11th May 2023, 2:48 am

download-esm: a tool for downloading ECMAScript modules

I’ve built a new CLI tool, download-esm, which takes the name of an npm package and will attempt to download the ECMAScript module version of that package, plus all of its dependencies, directly from the jsDelivr CDN—and then rewrite all of the import statements to point to those local copies.

[... 1240 words]

On Endings: Why & How We Retired Elm at Culture Amp (via) Culture Amp made extensive use of Elm—a ML-like functional language that compiles to JavaScript—between 2016 and 2020 while building their company’s frontend. They eventually decided to move away from it, for reasons described at length in this post primarily relating to its integration with React. This piece is worth reading mainly as a thoughtful approach to engineering management challenge of deprecating a well-loved piece of technology from the recommended stack at a company. # 10th April 2023, 2:11 am

SvelteKit is written in JS and distributed as source code — no build step — and it’s been miraculous for productivity. build steps make sense for apps, they make much less sense for libraries

Rich Harris # 24th March 2023, 11:07 pm

Web Stable Diffusion (via) I just ran the full Stable Diffusion image generation model entirely in my browser, and used it to generate an image (of two raccoons eating pie in the woods, see “via” link). I had to use Google Chrome Canary since this depends on WebGPU which still isn’t fully rolled out, but it worked perfectly. # 17th March 2023, 4:46 am

Transformers.js. Hugging Face Transformers is a library of Transformer machine learning models plus a Python package for loading and running them. Transformers.js provides a JavaScript alternative interface which runs in your browser, thanks to a set of precompiled WebAssembly binaries for a selection of models. This interactive demo is incredible: in particular, try running the Image classification with google/vit-base-patch16-224 (91MB) model against any photo to get back labels representing that photo. Dropping one of these models onto a page is as easy as linking to a hosted CDN script and running a few lines of JavaScript. # 16th March 2023, 11:41 pm

Writing Javascript without a build system (via) Julia Evans perfectly captures why I prefer not to use build systems in the majority of my projects that use JavaScript: “... my experience with build systems (not just Javascript build systems!), is that if you have a 5-year-old site, often it’s a huge pain to get the site built again. And because most of my websites are pretty small, the advantage of using a build system is pretty small.” # 18th February 2023, 5:25 am

Retiring Pinafore (via) Nolan Lawson built Pinafore, which became my default Mastodon client on both desktop and mobile over the past month. He thoughtfully explains why he’s ending his involvement in the project—and why, for trust reasons, he’s not planning on handing over the reigns to someone else. Pinafore is everything I want a good SPA to be—it loads fast, works offline and packs a whole lot of functionality into a tiny package. I’m sad to see Nolan’s involvement come to end—it’s a superb piece of software. # 10th January 2023, 2:05 am