Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries in Jun, 2004

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2004 × Month: Jun × Sorted by date

Fancy a job?

My placement here in Lawrence, Kansas comes to an end in a few months time, and I’m now in the interesting position of needing to find my own replacement. I’m not going to beat around the bush: this is a fantastic job and an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for a way in to the online news industry. The team here has won so many awards it’s hard to keep track of them all, and is very well respected within the industry.

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Tantek’s Fridge

Recently spotted on Tantek’s fridge:

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I have some gmail invites

I have four gmail invites left. The first four people to leave a comment with their email address can have them (put it in the email field and fill in a URL as well if you’re worried about spam harvesters—the email won’t be displayed but I’ll still have access to it). No random gift or good deed necessary—consider it a “thank you” for reading.

[... 144 words]

The orange XML icon sucks

I’m not a fan of the orange XML icon, even though I use it on my categories page. I love the concept of a universally recognised icon for RSS feeds, but XML is simply the wrong acronym to put on it. Don’t think it’s liable to cause confusion? Check out this excerpt from (emphasis mine):

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Embracing Best Practice

D. Keith Robinson is Sick of Web Standards, and to a certain extent, so am I. Like Keith, I’m not sick of standards themselves; I’ve been using them for over two years now and couldn’t conceive of developing without them. Unlike Keith, I’m not tired of advocating them—but I thoroughly believe that it’s time to extend the discussion.

[... 396 words]

Backporting from Python 2.3 to Python 2.2

We have a home-grown templating system at work, which I intend to dedicate an entry to some time in the future. We originally wrote it in Python 2.2, but upgraded to Python 2.3 a while ago and have since been evolving our code in that environment. Today I found a need to load the most recent version of our templating system on to a small, long neglected application that had been running the original version ever since it had enough features to be usable.

[... 356 words]

OS X Tip: Remapping keyboard shortcuts

On my Mac, Apple+W is the shortcut for closing a window (or tab in a tabbed application such as Safari or Firefox) while Apple+Q quits the application completely. These keys are right next to each other on the keyboard. Today, for the final time, I hit the wrong key and accidentally sent a couple of days accumulation of useful browser windows straight in to the abyss. I say for the last time because my intended IRC rant about the stupidity of setting those two keys right next to each other was cut off by Richard Soderberg, who showed me how to remap keyboard shortcuts for any application in OS X.

[... 242 words]

They Work For You

Today is/was (you never can tell with these wretched time zone differences) NotCon 2004, London’s premiere low-cost, informal, one-day technology conference. Friday’s MiniNTK promised the unveiling of a new project from the people behind FaxYourMP and PublicWhip and sure enough, here it is:

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