Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged postgresql in 2022

Filters: Year: 2022 × postgresql × Sorted by date

Scaling Mastodon: The Compendium (via) Hazel Weakly’s collection of notes on scaling Mastodon, covering PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis, object storage and more. # 29th November 2022, 5:46 am

Querying Postgres Tables Directly From DuckDB (via) I learned a lot of interesting PostgreSQL tricks from this write-up of the new DuckDB feature that allows it to run queries against PostgreSQL servers directly. It works using COPY (SELECT ...) TO STDOUT (FORMAT binary) which writes rows to the protocol stream in efficient binary format, but splits the table being read into parallel fetches against page ranges and uses SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT ... in those parallel queries to ensure they see the same transactional snapshot of the database. # 3rd October 2022, 2:27 pm

Crunchy Data: Learn Postgres at the Playground (via) Crunchy Data have a new PostgreSQL tutorial series, with a very cool twist: they have a build of PostgreSQL compiled to WebAssembly which runs in the browser, so each tutorial is accompanied by a working psql terminal that lets you try out the tutorial contents interactively. It even has support for PostGIS, though that particular tutorial has to load 80MB of assets in order to get it to work! # 17th August 2022, 6:30 pm

Lesser Known Features of ClickHouse (via) I keep hearing positive noises about ClickHouse. I learned about a whole bunch of capabilities from this article—including that ClickHouse can directly query tables that are stored in SQLite or PostgreSQL. # 31st May 2022, 7:48 pm

Glue code to quickly copy data from one Postgres table to another (via) The Python script that Retool used to migrate 4TB of data between two PostgreSQL databases. I find the structure of this script really interesting—it uses Python to spin up a queue full of ID ranges to be transferred and then starts some threads, but then each thread shells out to a command that runs “psql COPY (SELECT ...) TO STDOUT” and pipes the result to “psql COPY xxx FROM STDIN”. Clearly this works really well (“saturate the database’s hardware capacity” according to a comment on HN), and neatly sidesteps any issues with Python’s GIL. # 19th April 2022, 4:57 pm

Postgres Auditing in 150 lines of SQL (via) I’ve run up against the problem of tracking changes made to rows within a database table so many times, and I still don’t have a preferred solution. This approach to it looks very neat: it uses PostgreSQL triggers to populate a single audit table (as opposed to one audit table per tracked table) and records the previous and current column values for the row using jsonb. # 9th March 2022, 7:19 pm

migra (via) This looks like a very handy tool to have around: run “migra postgresql:///a postgresql:///b” and it will detect and output the SQL alter statements needed to modify the first PostgreSQL database schema to match the second. It’s written in Python, running on top of SQLAlchemy. # 26th February 2022, 11:23 pm

Single dependency stacks (via) Brandur Leach notes that the core services at Crunchy (admittedly a PostgreSQL hosting and consultancy company) have only one stateful dependency – Postgres. No Redis, ElasticSearch or anything else. This means that problems like rate limiting and search, which are often farmed out to external services, are all handled using either PostgreSQL or in-memory mechanisms on their servers. # 9th February 2022, 6:43 pm

Tricking Postgres into using an insane – but 200x faster – query plan. Jacob Martin talks through a PostgreSQL query optimization they implemented at Spacelift, showing in detail how to interpret the results of EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON, ANALYZE) using the visualization tool. # 18th January 2022, 8:53 pm