Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged open-source, quora in 2011

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2011 × open-source × quora × Sorted by date

What is the typical time overhead in using an open source package vs. an equivalent commercial package?

It totally depends on the software in question. If you are moving to popular, well maintained open source packages (things like nginx, solr, MySQL) you can often expect a large improvement in developer productivity due to the increased amount of tutorials, forums, mailing lists, irc channels and stackoverflow/quora posts you’ll have access to.

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What are the main conferences taking place in the US dedicated to Open Source?

We have a list here:

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How do you stay up to date with Open Source products and technologies?

Lots of blogs and RSS feeds—in particular, I subscribe to the feed of the authors of the software that I’m using, if I can find them.

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What is a good business model for open source projects?


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