Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items in 2004

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Why online newspapers require registration. Rick Skrenta says it’s due to competition with print ads and spam. # 20th September 2004, 11:20 pm

Matching newlines in JavaScript

Just a quick note: the . character in a JavaScript regular expression will never match a newline character. If you want to match any character including newlines you can use the [\s\S] character class instead, which means “any character that’s either whitespace or not whitespace”.

[... 86 words]

Implementing Piped List in CSS (via) Simple, effective border trick. # 20th September 2004, 9:20 pm

The Sun Does Not Shine Online. Paper losing 90,000 readers a day to their free web edition. # 20th September 2004, 7:19 pm

Net security threats growing fast. 30,000+ PCs a day are being compromised for botnets. # 20th September 2004, 6:44 pm

Tkinter Tricks: Using Complex Numbers to Rotate Canvas Items. Smart use of Python’s complex number type. # 20th September 2004, 6:43 pm

CSS 2.1 Index. The best way of browing the CSS spec. Even better with TypeAhead find. # 20th September 2004, 6:36 pm

My llama photos. I think it’s a llama; it might be an alpaca. # 20th September 2004, 4:55 pm

UI Patterns and Techniques (via) Patterns for User Interface design. # 20th September 2004, 8:32 am

A9 and Google Local. Remote scripting features heavily on these two recent high profile site launches. # 20th September 2004, 6:42 am

Pirate Riddles for Sophisticates (via) It be that day again, yarrr. # 19th September 2004, 9:35 pm

Projection Stylesheets. Jim Wilkinson writing on the css-discuss wiki. # 19th September 2004, 7:22 am

Flickr iPhoto Plugin 0.7 (via) Flickr just got a whole lot easier to feed things to. # 18th September 2004, 1:13 am

Introducing Myself. Michael Moncur takes up the reigns at the JavaScript weblog. # 18th September 2004, 1:07 am

zipdecode (Java Applet). Type a zip code (try 66044) and watch the USA get narrowed down. Brilliant. # 17th September 2004, 9:37 pm

Pollster, Schmollster. Jonas on why the polls don’t accurately reflect the population. # 17th September 2004, 8:39 pm

James Tauber: The Inverse Law of Bug Complexity. “The harder a bug is to track down, the simpler the fix tends to be.” # 17th September 2004, 7:30 am

Resources for WordPress. WordPress is mentioned on the front page of Linux Journal this month. # 16th September 2004, 10:05 pm

Hiring. No False Positives. Why Google and Microsoft have such high standards. # 16th September 2004, 3:18 pm

Quicksilver: moving around and training yourself (via) More QuickSilver tips from Merlin, the world’s most useful blogger. # 16th September 2004, 5:46 am

Edwards: No military draft if Democrats win (via) Is the draft about to become a campaign issue? # 16th September 2004, 1:58 am

This Old Blog, Part I. Tom at Gadgetopia has some great thoughts on combinign a blog with its admin interface. # 16th September 2004, 1:16 am

“Willie the Warlock” by Billy Q. Effinger (via) Best song ever, now with comments! # 15th September 2004, 10:51 pm

Critical Mozilla Vulnerabilities Fixed in New Versions. Various buffer overflows, fixed in Firefox PR 1.0. # 15th September 2004, 9:49 pm

Microsoft warns of poisoned picture peril. Now opening a JPEG can get you in trouble. # 15th September 2004, 9:47 pm

Spread Firefox. They’re aiming for 1,000,000 downloads in 10 days. # 15th September 2004, 4:30 pm

FreyaSX (via) Open source full-text search engine, claims indexing speeds of 100,000 words/second. # 15th September 2004, 4:18 pm