Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged openai in Jul

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Prompt injected OpenAI’s new Custom Instructions to see how it is implemented. ChatGPT added a new “custom instructions” feature today, which you can use to customize the system prompt used to control how it responds to you. swyx prompt-inject extracted the way it works:

“The user provided the following information about themselves. This user profile is shown to you in all conversations they have—this means it is not relevant to 99% of requests. Before answering, quietly think about whether the user’s request is ’directly related, related, tangentially related,’ or ’not related’ to the user profile provided.”

I’m surprised to see OpenAI using “quietly think about...” in a prompt like this—I wouldn’t have expected that language to be necessary. # 20th July 2023, 7:03 pm

Study claims ChatGPT is losing capability, but some experts aren’t convinced. Benj Edwards talks about the ongoing debate as to whether or not GPT-4 is getting weaker over time. I remain skeptical of those claims—I think it’s more likely that people are seeing more of the flaws now that the novelty has worn off.

I’m quoted in this piece: “Honestly, the lack of release notes and transparency may be the biggest story here. How are we meant to build dependable software on top of a platform that changes in completely undocumented and mysterious ways every few months?” # 20th July 2023, 12:22 am

What AI can do with a toolbox... Getting started with Code Interpreter. Ethan Mollick has been doing some very creative explorations of ChatGPT Code Interpreter over the past few months, and has tied a lot of them together into this useful introductory tutorial. # 12th July 2023, 8:57 pm

The DALL·E 2 Prompt Book (via) This is effectively DALL-E: The Missing Manual: an 81 page PDF book that goes into exhaustive detail about how to get the most out of DALL-E through creative prompt design. # 14th July 2022, 11:26 pm

GPT-3 prompt for spotting nonsense questions (via) In response to complaints that GPT-3 will happily provide realistic sounding answers to nonsense questions, rictic recommends the following prompt: “I’ll ask a series of questions. If the questions are nonsense, answer ”yo be real“, if they’re a question about something that actually happened, answer them.” # 10th July 2022, 4:33 am

Using GPT-3 to explain how code works

One of my favourite uses for the GPT-3 AI language model is generating explanations of how code works. It’s shockingly effective at this: its training set clearly include a vast amount of source code.

[... 1983 words]

Tempering Expectations for GPT-3 and OpenAI’s API. Insightful commentary on GPT-3 (which is producing some ridiculously cool demos at the moment thanks to the invite-only OpenAI API) from Max Woolf. # 18th July 2020, 7:29 pm