Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged ai, security in Apr, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Apr × ai × security × Sorted by date

How prompt injection attacks hijack today’s top-end AI – and it’s really tough to fix. Thomas Claburn interviewed me about prompt injection for the Register. Lots of direct quotes from our phone call in here—we went pretty deep into why it’s such a difficult problem to address. # 26th April 2023, 6:04 pm

The Dual LLM pattern for building AI assistants that can resist prompt injection

I really want an AI assistant: a Large Language Model powered chatbot that can answer questions and perform actions for me based on access to my private data and tools.

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New prompt injection attack on ChatGPT web version. Markdown images can steal your chat data. An ingenious new prompt injection / data exfiltration vector from Roman Samoilenko, based on the observation that ChatGPT can render markdown images in a way that can exfiltrate data to the image hosting server by embedding it in the image URL. Roman uses a single pixel image for that, and combines it with a trick where copy events on a website are intercepted and prompt injection instructions are appended to the copied text, in order to trick the user into pasting the injection attack directly into ChatGPT. # 14th April 2023, 6:33 pm

Prompt injection: What’s the worst that can happen?

Activity around building sophisticated applications on top of LLMs (Large Language Models) such as GPT-3/4/ChatGPT/etc is growing like wildfire right now.

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