Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged django in Mar, 2010

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2010 × Month: Mar × django × Sorted by date

The Onion Uses Django, And Why It Matters To Us. The Onion ported their main site from PHP and Drupal to Django in three months with a team of four developers, including a full migration of their archived content. Their developers answer questions about the switch in this thread on the Django sub-reddit. # 25th March 2010, 6:43 pm

Using Django as a Pass Through Image Proxy (via) Neat idea for running development environments against data copied from a live production site—a static file serving handler which uses a local cache but copies in user-uploaded files from the production site the first time they are requested. # 22nd March 2010, 7:18 am

Cache Machine: Automatic caching for your Django models. This is the third new ORM caching layer for Django I’ve seen in the past month! Cache Machine was developed for zamboni, the port of to Django. Caching is enabled using a model mixin class (to hook up some post_delete hooks) and a custom caching manager. Invalidation works by maintaining a “flush list” of dependent cache entries for each object—this is currently stored in memcached and hence has potential race conditions, but a comment in the source code suggests that this could be solved by moving to redis. # 11th March 2010, 7:35 pm

Announcing django-cachebot. The ORM caching space around Django is heating up. django-cachebot is used in production at and takes a more low level approach to cache invalidation than Johnny Cache, enabling you to specifically mark the querysets you wish to cache and providing some advanced options for cache invalidation. Unfortunately it currently relies on a patch to Django core to enable its own manager. # 6th March 2010, 12:48 pm

Is johnny-cache for you? “Using Johnny is really adopting a particular caching strategy. This strategy isn’t always a win; it can impact performance negatively”—but for a high percentage of Django sites there’s a very good chance it will be a net bonus. # 2nd March 2010, 11:44 am Johnny Cache. The blog entry announcing Johnny Cache (“a drop-in caching library/framework for Django that will cache all of your querysets forever in a consistent and safe manner”) to the world. # 1st March 2010, 11:48 am