Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged ai, python in Oct, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Oct × ai × python × Sorted by date

I’m banned for life from advertising on Meta. Because I teach Python. (via) If accurate, this describes a nightmare scenario of automated decision making.

Reuven recently found he had a permanent ban from advertising on Facebook. They won’t tell him exactly why, and have marked this as a final decision that can never be reviewed.

His best theory (impossible for him to confirm) is that it’s because he tried advertising a course on Python and Pandas a few years ago which was blocked because a dumb algorithm thought he was trading exotic animals!

The worst part? An appeal is no longer possible because relevant data is only retained for 180 days and so all of the related evidence has now been deleted.

Various comments on Hacker News from people familiar with these systems confirm that this story likely holds up. # 19th October 2023, 2:56 pm

Bottleneck T5 Text Autoencoder (via) Colab notebook by Linus Lee demonstrating his Contra Bottleneck T5 embedding model, which can take up to 512 tokens of text, convert that into a 1024 floating point number embedding vector... and then then reconstruct the original text (or a close imitation) from the embedding again.

This allows for some fascinating tricks, where you can do things like generate embeddings for two completely different sentences and then reconstruct a new sentence that combines the weights from both. # 10th October 2023, 2:12 am



