Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged nodejs in Jan

Filters: Month: Jan × nodejs × Sorted by date

In simple terms, what is node.js?

It’s server-side programming, like PHP. The language you write the server-side code in is JavaScript (specifically the JavaScript version supported by Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, which was originally written for the Chrome web browser).

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Does Go have an equivalent node.js’s NPM?

Sort of. Go ships with a command that can download and compile a dependency for your project ("go get") but it doesn’t have a solution for library versioning yet (as far as I can tell).

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Why is node.js so much faster?

There are two main reasons.

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What server do I need to handle 1000+ users simultaneously while they can post messages, upload pictures, and other similar stuff on a website based on PHP and mySQL?

You don’t need to handle 1,000 users simultaneously: you need to build something and ship it and start the process of discovering what you can build that will attract that many users. Seriously: don’t even start worrying about that kind of scale until you know you’re going to need it.

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How does Linkedin use Node.js?

They use it for the backed for their mobile app. Here’s an article with more information:

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Is Node.js a strong platform to use to build a RESTful API platform?

Yes. It’s very, very good at speaking HTTP.

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Hot Code Loading in Node.js. Blaine Cook’s patch for Node.js that enables Erlang-style hot code loading, so you can switch out your application logic without restarting the server or affecting existing requests. This could make deploying new versions of Node applications trivial. I’d love to see a Node hosting service that allows you to simply upload a script file and have it execute on the Web. # 31st January 2010, 1:57 pm