Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged django in Jan, 2012

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2012 × Month: Jan × django × Sorted by date

Do Python programmers have a tendency to write their own software instead of contributing? Why?

I think you’ll find that PROGRAMMERS have a tendency to develop their own thing rather than contributing to an existing project. It’s even got its own TLA: NIH (Not Invented Here).

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Play Framework, Django or Rails? Which one do you recommend for  Social Networking Web applications.

Both Rails and Django have been used for a large number of high profile social networking web applications. Off the top of my head, Django is used by Instagram and Pinterest, Rails is used by Posterous and Ravelry. I don’t know what the largest sites built using Play are at the moment.

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Are there any good Django video tutorials?

ShowMeDo has 55 video screencasts covering all sorts of aspects of Django development:

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Is Django on its way out?

Not as far as I can tell—but then like many (most?) other Django users I’m too busy using it to build things to worry too much about whether or not it’s fashionable.

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