Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged datasette, weeknotes in Jan, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: Jan × datasette × weeknotes × Sorted by date

Weeknotes: datasette-test, datasette-build, PSF board retreat

I wrote about Page caching and custom templates in my last weeknotes. This week I wrapped up that work, modifying datasette-edit-templates to be compatible with the jinja2_environment_from_request() plugin hook. This means you can edit templates directly in Datasette itself and have those served either for the full instance or just for the instance when served from a specific domain (the Datasette Cloud case).

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Weeknotes: Page caching and custom templates for Datasette Cloud

My main development focus this week has been adding public page caching to Datasette Cloud, and exploring what custom template support might look like for that service.

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