Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged cryptography in Jan

Filters: Month: Jan × cryptography × Sorted by date

Don’t Hash Secrets. A well written explanation from 2008 of why you must use hmac instead of raw SHA-1 when hashing against a secret. # 24th January 2010, 1:30 pm

Timing attack in Google Keyczar library. An issue I also need to fix in the proposed Django signing code. If you’re comparing two strings in crypto (e.g. seeing if the provided signature matches the expected signature) you need to use a timing independent string comparison function or you risk leaking information. This kind of thing is exactly why I want an audited signing module in Django rather than leaving developers to figure it out on their own. # 4th January 2010, 3:23 pm

Design and code review requested for Django string signing / signed cookies. Do you know your way around web app security and cryptography (in particular signing things using hmac and sha1)? We’d appreciate your help reviewing the usage of these concepts in Django’s proposed string signing and signed cookie implementations. # 4th January 2010, 1:24 pm

James Randi owes me a million dollars (via) Interesting case study in cryptographic bit commitment protocols, which allow something to be published that can later prove the authenticity of a revealed secret. # 30th January 2007, 1:10 am