Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 14th May 2019

Amazon’s Away Teams laid bare: How AWS’s hivemind of engineers develop and maintain their internal tech (via) Some interesting insights into how Amazon structure their engineering organization to maximize team productivity in a service-oriented environment. Two things that stood out to me: each service is owned by a “home team”, but sometimes features that are needed by other teams can be built by forming an “away team” to build out that functionality. Secondly, Amazon has a concept of “bar raisers” who are engineers across the organization who help approve key design and architectural decisions. It’s possible to go against the recommendation of a bar raiser but “such a move is noted and made visible to higher levels of management”.

# 6:32 pm / amazon, serviceorientedarchitecture, management

quicktype code generator for Python. Really interesting tool: give it an example JSON document and it will code-generate the equivalent set of Python classes (with type annotations) instantly in your browser. It also accepts input in JSON Schema or TypeScript and can generate code in 18 different languages.

# 11:35 pm / typescript, python, json

2019 » May
