Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 7th April 2019

csv-diff 0.3.1 (via) I released a minor update to my csv-diff CLI tool today which does a better job of displaying a human-readable representation of rows that have been added or removed from a file—previously they were represented as an ugly JSON dump. My script monitoring changes to the official list of trees in San Francisco has been running for a month now and has captured 23 commits!

# 8:03 pm / projects, csv, diff

tsv-utils (via) Powerful collection of CLI tools for processing TSV files, written in D for performance and released by eBay. Includes a csv2tsv conversion tool. You can download an archive of pre-built binaries for Linux and OS X from their releases page: worked fine on my Mac.

# 8:29 pm / csv

Colm MacCárthaigh tells the inside story of how AWS responded to Heartbleed. The Heartbleed SSL vulnerability came out five years ago. In this Twitter thread Colm, who was Amazon’s principal engineer for Elastic Load Balancer at the time, describes how the AWS team responded to something that “was scarier than any bug I’d ever seen”. It’s a cracking story.

# 8:32 pm / aws, security

2019 » April