Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 19th March 2018

How to use HDF5 files in Python (via) HDF5: the missing manual. A detailed explanation of the HDF5 file format and how to work with it using the h5py module. HDF5 allows you to efficiently store multiple datasets (plus metatdata about them) in a single file and then load data from them without pulling the entire file into memory—kind of like SQLite but without the SQL support and more optimized for working with arrays.

# 2:55 pm / python

Protecting Against HSTS Abuse (via) Any web feature that can be used to persist information will eventually be used to build super-cookies. In this case it’s HSTS—a web feature that allows sites to tell browsers “in the future always load this domain over HTTPS even if the request specified HTTP”. The WebKit team caught this being exploited in the wild, by encoding a user identifier in binary across 32 separate sub domains. They have a couple of mitigations in place now—I expect other browser vendors will follow suit.

# 10:21 pm / ssl, privacy, security, webkit

2018 » March
