Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 26th November 2017

Added TSV example to the README · simonw/csvs-to-sqlite@957d4f5. Thanks to a pull request from Jani Monoses, csvs-to-sqlite can now handle TSV (or any other separator) as well as regular CSVs.

# 7:02 am / csv

SQLite Query Language: WITH clause. SQLite’s documentation on recursive CTEs starts out with some nice clear examples of tree traversal using a WITH statement, then gets into graphs, then goes way off the deep end with a Mandelbrot Set query and a query that can solve Soduku puzzles (“in less than 300 milliseconds on a modern workstation”).

# 7:23 am / sql, sqlite

Many Small Queries Are Efficient In SQLite. Since SQLite runs in-process rather than being accessed over a network it avoids the per-query overhead of network round trips. This means that while MySQL or PostgreSQL applications need to avoid N+1 query patterns that create 100s of queries per request, SQLite apps can be designed differently: provided you hit indexes or small tables, 200 queries just means 200 extra cheap function calls.

# 4:24 pm / performance, sqlite

A Complete CMS with No Server and 18 Lines of Code | Netlify. Slightly hyperbolic title, but there’s something really interesting going on here. Netlify is a CDN/hosting provider optimized for static site builders—it can hook up to a GitHub repository and build and deploy your site on every commit. Netlify CMS is their open-source CMS tool which works in a fascinating way: it’s a single page React app which stores structured content (as Markdown files with embedded key/value pairs) directly to your GitHub repository. Fire up Chrome DevTools and you can watch it using the GitHub API to construct new commits every time you hit “save”.

# 5:53 pm / cms, github, react