Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 13th August 2013

What is a good onboarding process for a new employee at a startup?

Have them deploy the site on their first day. This ensures they know how to...

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If I told you "Get me a 20 minute meeting in front of xyz person and I’ll give you $20 whether or not they buy into what i have to offer, would you set up the meeting?

Absolutely not. My ability to make introductions relies on people trusting me to make good introductions. If I make a poor introduction to someone it damages or destroys my ability to make introductions to them in the future. If I get a reputation for selling introductions I’ll lose credibility with everyone in my network.

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How long should I budget for an experienced designer to design a responsive ecommerce store?

There’s no single answer to this—it depends on the scope of the project. A one-page store selling 3 items is quicker to design than a thousand page store with dozens of category homepages etc.

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Is Quip self-funded or VC backed?

VC backed: $15,000,000 Series A from Benchmark Capital. Take a look at their Quip Company Fact Sheet linked from

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I want to write a short summary for every article I read online for future use. What is the best tool to do this? is well suited to this. It’s a bookmarking service (like the old Delicious) with a bookmarklet that lets you quickly annotate and add tags to a link, privately or in public. For an extra fee the site will archive copies of the pages you are linking to as well in case they vanish in the future.

2013 » August
