Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 8th October 2007

Native DOMContentLoaded is coming to Safari. I filed this bug over two years ago. They’ve just committed the resulting patch to trunk.

# 1:07 am / javascript, onload, browsers, domcontentloaded, safari, webkit

The larger question is why on earth, in 2007 and ten years after XML came out, we are still using text files that don't label their encoding?

Rick Jelliffe

# 12:27 pm / textfiles, rick-jeliffe, encoding, unicode, xml

Convenience Wins, Hubris Loses and Content vs. Context. Fantastic presentation from Ian Rogers, the head of Yahoo! Music, who has spent 8 years watching DRM cripple the online music industry.

# 9:10 pm / drm, yahoo, yahoomusic, ian-rogers, music