Simon Willison’s Weblog


April 2006

April 3, 2006

YouTube—danah on O’Reilly Factor. There’s something you don’t see every day.

# 10:59 am

Code Elegance, Code Balance. A nice way of thinking about writing maintainable code.

# 11:12 am Impressive collection of Flash tutorial screencasts.

# 6:06 pm

April 4, 2006

JavaScript apps with read/write access to S3. JS apps hosted on S3 could read and write to the store.

# 9:33 am / javascript, s3, aws

April 5, 2006

Naked day

Naked and proud.

Boot Camp. Official dual-boot Windows solution for Intel Macs—downloadable beta!

# 2:23 pm

April 6, 2006

Parallels Workstation 2.1 Beta. Virtualization for OS X.

# 2:24 pm

Running Your Rails App Headless. Pretty sweet new feature of Rails 1.1.

# 8:40 pm

Rails is the devil on your (client-side) shoulder. This is exactly why I’m not a fan of RJS.

# 8:41 pm

Windows: The New Classic. John Gruber’s delightful take on Boot Camp.

# 9:11 pm / john-gruber

Exciting stuff in Python 2.5

Python 2.5 alpha 1 is out, and as usual the What’s New in Python 2.5 document provides a pleasant overview of the new features. There are some real treats in there. While I’m hoping that the syntax for conditional expressions will grow on me, I’m looking forward to Partial function application becoming a common Python idiom. Relative imports are going to make Django applications a lot easier to redistribute, and I can’t wait to see all the crazy hacks that result from the introduction of coroutines.

[... 291 words]

April 7, 2006

How I’m using Amazon S3 to serve media files. Adrian’s saving server overhead on ChicagoCrime by serving media from S3.

# 6:51 pm / adrian-holovaty, s3, amazon, chicagocrime, aws

KittenAuth Test (via) Better captchas.

# 8:37 pm

April 9, 2006

The XMLHttpRequest Object (via) A W3C Working Draft.

# 11:58 pm

April 11, 2006

Introducing SqlSoup. Lovely simple DB abstraction layer built on the excellent SQLAlchemy.

# 7:13 pm

April 12, 2006

Content-Type is dead. Ouch. Even messier than non-well-formed RSS.

# 12:56 am

Yahoo Maps Satellite and Global coverage. Lo-res global satellite photos and basic road features.

# 7:28 am

Yahoo! Maps Web Services updated. Now include satellite images and lo-res international maps.

# 7:31 am

Some details about Ookles. Photo transforms defined by URLs, Flickr API compatibility and more.

# 11:11 am

InnoCentive Biology Challenges. Rent-a-coder style marketplace for scientists.

# 1:26 pm

April 15, 2006

April 17, 2006

XTech 2006: Ajax lightning demos. Show off your Ajax at XTech.

# 1:53 am

selector—WSGI Delegation. Neat URL dispatching system, similar to Django’s.

# 12:13 pm / wsgi

April 18, 2006

London 2.0 RC 5, Wednesday May 3rd. Last one was a ton of fun, with some great demos.

# 2:10 pm

A List Apart: A More Accessible Map. Nice example of semantic markup, unobtrusive JavaScript and CSS.

# 2:15 pm

Vitamin. Lovely new web design magazine site from Ryan Carson and friends.

# 2:18 pm

April 20, 2006

Yahoo! Maps, Your Way. Includes significant (and exciting) enhancements to the Ajax API.

# 5:26 am

April 21, 2006

Last Day []. Paul’s leaving the beeb.

# 8:49 am

April 22, 2006

An S3 AJAX Wiki. Les continues to innovate against S3.

# 7:09 pm / s3, javascript, ajax, wiki, les-orchard, aws

2006 » April
