5 posts tagged “yagni”
PAGNIs: Probably Are Gonna Need Its
Luke Page has a great post up with his list of YAGNI exceptions.
[... 1,289 words]YAGNI exceptions (via) Luke Plant provides his collection of things that you probably ARE going to need in a project, where adding them later is painful enough that it’s worth the up-front investment. I really like these as a concept, and I’m coining the term PAGNI—for Probably Are Gonna Need It—to describe them.
Which core programming principles apply to all languages?
YAGNI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You...
[... 17 words]2004
Defending YAGNI. I’ve been learning to say YAGNI recently.
Two acronyms that have been seeing a lot of action at work recently are YAGNI and DRY. They’re great principles to go by in any case, but in a pair programming environment they take on a whole new level of utility.
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